Transport Options

  • Full Transport

    If you are unable to travel or meet-up with us to pick up your new puppy, we are willing to transport your new puppy to your home for a fee. The fee would cover time spent traveling as well as costs for travel. With this option, we could come straight to your home or meet with you at an agreed upon public location.

    We prefer to travel by car if at all possible. Additional fees may apply for transport requiring an overnight stay or plane ticket.

  • Meet Halfway

    If you would like to save money on the cost of a full transport, we are willing to meet you at a halfway point for a fee at the same rate. Your cost savings would come from cutting the distance/time of travel in half! We will discuss, decide, and agree upon a halfway point between Knoxville and your location to meet-up. We will meet at an agreed upon public location.

  • Meet in a Sister City

    If you are located in or near Atlanta or Chattanooga, we can meet with you at an agreed upon public location for pick-up at half the cost of our regular transport fee. Since we have family in the area, we would discount the transport fee and essentially only charge a one-way fee.

Transport Fee Information

  • For Full Transport, we charge $1.00 per mile travelled to and from the pick-up location.


    Knoxville, TN —> Nashville, TN (140 miles)

    140 miles x 2 = 280 miles

    Fee: $280 added onto total cost of puppy

  • To Meet Halfway, we charge $1.00 per mile travelled to and from the pick-up location.


    Knoxville, TN —> Nashville, TN (140 miles)

    Agreed meet-up place: Cookeville, TN (72 miles)

    72 miles x 2 = 144 miles

    Fee: $144 added onto total cost of puppy

  • To Meet in a Sister City, we charge $1.00 per mile travelled to the pick-up location.


    Knoxville, TN —> Atlanta, GA (140 miles)

    140 miles one way (deduct return fee)

    Fee: $140 added onto total cost of puppy