“Crew is massive and still growing of course! He is kind and unaware of how large he is. He was easy to potty train and goes to a trainer with me once every two weeks. He picks things up quickly with little to no back-talk (or bark). I get asked CONSTANTLY where I got him. Thank you for making him!”

“Moose is possibly perfect. He loves to eat and run and play with other dogs. He still cuddles with his blanket you sent him home with and is a huge snuggle bug with us. He is seriously such a good puppy and has been so easy in just about every way. He is still a very goofy, happy boy. His personality has grown but stayed very much the same too. I’m so thankful you matched him to us!”

“We cannot thank Smoky Mountain Berners enough! Koa is the life of the party wherever she is and is always ready for the next adventure. She is beyond smart (sometimes too smart for her own good) and has been so easy to train. We are so grateful for you guys and the detail and effort you put into what you do! We couldn’t imagine our life without Koa. She is the best addition to our family!”

“You have no idea how many compliments I get on how well-tempered Spice is! He is sweet and goofy and SMART and a little stubborn sometimes. Also, did y’all work on any obedience training? It only took 3 days to get him potty trained. He has never had a poop accident at home and rings the bell to go out. He also got ‘sit’ and ‘down’ within the first week of us having him. He has been the best addition to our home.”